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Starting a blog is like putting on a new pair of shoes. Continuing to blog is actually running the marathon.

Friday Roundup: Something Singular and Surreal

The messiah in her mumu. 

The messiah in her mumu. 

Flowery mumus and fleabag motels: An exhausting time was had by all at mine and Siggy's first Sawtooth Relay. After a few hours sleep in a dingy, paper-thin-walled-motel (where a few bikers next door drank and argued over making sandwiches until 4am), we congregated at the Stanley Elementary School for our 4:30am start time. Our friend Mitch took the first leg and Siggy took the second, when it was still mostly dark and temperatures were hovering around freezing. Then things got weird. Our third runner wore a mumu* during her first leg, appearing, from a distance, like a messiah sans following, as she ran with the Sawtooths by her side (evidence above). I took on the summit leg and the little sprint at the finish. Then it was beer, brats, soaking at Redfish lake, a half-hour shower, and lights out while it was still light out. We didn't set any course records or pass many other runners, but there's something singular and surreal about spending 12 hours running, driving, waiting, and cheering with five other sweaty people. 

Random idea for a business (which probably already exists): A service that 1) allows you to leave your car with an attendant at airport departures 2) then gives your car a tune-up (e.g. oil change, tires rotated, new windshield wipers, detailing the interior) before 3) delivering your car to you at airport arrivals. 

The (Truckstop) Muppets take Manhattan: On the heels of our adventure in Stanley, it was off to New York with a few coworkers for the Salesforce Connections conference. Besides learning about what the best-in-class SaaS providers are doing, marketing-wise, besides getting inspired by the likes of Coach K and Diane von Furstenberg, besides showing a NYC newbie around Midtown as if I wasn't also a total tourist, and besides a virgin subway ride, pickleback, and celebrity sighting, we also invented #uglyvideoselfie

* This was not the only mumu appearance, BTW - our friend Jess also donned one during her cool downs in the truck, as if it were a regular part of her jogging togs. She fit right in with us.