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Read This: The Gun-Control Debate Won't Be Won With Statistics

Photo courtesy of Instagram user @porcupines103.

Photo courtesy of Instagram user @porcupines103.

In which we slow down and ponder the (rightly) unacceptable horror of mass shootings, particularly when placed in perspective with the (less-than-rightly) acceptable means of dying and death in the U.S.

"By letting reactive news cycles set the agenda, even thoughtful people lock into tunnel vision. Being bombarded by groupthink on an issue, with stats backing it up, only seems to make the opposite side seem less reasonable, more immoral, and less human. That may help you feel like you’re on the right side of history, but it does nothing to bridge the philosophical gulfs over truly schismatic issues like gun control..."

Read the rest of David Auerbach's decisive piece over at Slate.